
Monday, 24 September 2018

WOW 2018 begins!

It's WOW 2018 week, amongst other events. We'll be in Wellington for Matt's very special birthday on Thursday, so seeing as I couldn't really take my present for him over to give him, I decided to cook him a nice meal and present it to him this weekend. I'm not sure what made me decide on this idea - but what else do you give a man who has everything he needs? And how best to show your  love for someone? By spending time making a special gift. I chose this photo taken (by ButterCream Portaiture)  at our wedding (three years ago this week) as I thought it was already a good strong composition to work from. After several attempts of gridding up, I finally worked out how to begin.....

I was so glad it was a surprise - I thought he might have twigged. It was a struggle sometimes to come up with something when he asked me what I'd done with my day...
It's been a really interesting experience. 
He also gets this very blingy, very low-cut shirt to wear!

Right now, I should be packing for WOW, so I'll make this brief. Here is my outfit of 2-way sequins on velvet for awards night - with matching hair clips in my braided mohawk, and below, behold the pink velvet coat with matching thigh high boots. This was a dressing gown from an op-shop I just found the other day in my mending basket - the exact same colour as the boots. I added a collar in Chinese-style brocade, and found a frog closure in the stash - also the exact same colour! This is going to be one incredible outfit!

 OK, gotta go pack! See you soon, my WOW family!

Saturday, 15 September 2018

A Seaside Holiday

Don't fret, my fabric friends - I will not divert too much from my textile theme here, as all my holidays photos, as usual, are plant life and the odd critter - inspirational material. I enjoyed some brisk walks, and some absolute dawdles around the rock-pools discovering and admiring these treasures.

The absolute standout for me was this fabulous sea slug - I have never seen anything more fabulous! In the same pool we saw a cuttlefish which had been trapped by the tide - another first. It was a magnificent morning! 
It's been very hard to come home and leave this. Sigh.......

Friday, 7 September 2018

The Svenja Bus

For those of you who remember the ‘90’s, you may remember this catchy number, which became a bit of a theme song for the Svenja Bus! One of my favourite memories is of leaving Eagle Farm Tafe (or whatever they were calling it then – TAFE like a good name change) pulling up to my classmates at the bustop, opening the door, and asking who wanted a lift to the pub! Those were the days! Here's a couple of pics with both Storm and I in our original condition - leaving home to go and live on Mt Tambourine, down at Byron Bay with my TAFE mates April and Heidi - where are you now, girls? - and in the line-up at Stokers Siding.
Storm is finally getting his makeover, and having him move up here and into Matt’s shed after losing the off-site storage has been a real bonus for getting me motivated – he’s right there! Last month I got the bumpers, wheels and roof painted, then it has taken me most of this week to mask it in reverse – I’ve never been good at wrapping presents, and this is the trickiest one yet! I bought a new 50m roll tape yesterday and finished it off this morning.
 As I was doing a final sand on a door, a small chunk of bog lifted out! GAH! I’d been out there since 5:30 getting prepared, and this threatened to stuff up the whole job – I only had my awesome assistant Matt for a few hours, and had to worry about the wind picking up as well. At first I was tragic – it was all over – but then realised I could just leave that door out, as I would have plenty of paint left for another session. Back to plan A, and finished by 10.  Not too bad – a little ‘orange peel’ – and a few repairs highlighted by the fresh coat – it’s all a learning experience. Luckily, I had planned for my inexperience by creating this design, which should hide most of the flaws.
I can't wait to be back out in this beast!! Watch out!