Did not disappoint. As a hard core fan, it continued the magic completely. Patsy was as simply awful as ever - bless! Prior to the movie we enjoyed a lunch of (largely bubbles) and the other gals had these amazing looking and apparently tasting, Barramundi Wings! Lyn also brought along the doll she had decorated for our Australian wedding celebration at Gallery 159 which, due to many reasons, didn't eventuate. With purple hair and hand painted purple shooz, she's a bit fab!

It led into a fairly festive weekend - on Saturday afternoon we were at Gallery 159 celebrating Peter's birthday (with compulsory hats, no problem for us!), on Sunday we saw them again, as well as the lovely Barb Thoms of Common Threads fame, for a relaxed luncheon on the deck. As well as bringing me this fabulous banner to flaunt as much as I can, she also gifted me this lovely adornment of machine embroidered pink goodness, made by her sister-in law,
Lulu Tissu.
Hat Party - Sunglasses from Japan - crazy!! |
Janet et moi! |
Birthday Boy Peter |
Janet, Matt and Svenja. Hats left and right by Svenja. |
I've now finished the leather, kelp-inspired neck-piece I've been working on - I'm quite pleased with the fastening solution at the back. As well as gilding, I ended up using gel medium to create the textured look, before painting over it and highlighting it with gilding wax - still not exactly the look I'm after, but I can't quite figure out how to get what I actually want. I can't even seem to find any images of this thing that I see so clearly in my head to show anyone!

I indulged in a big studio tidy up on the weekend, which led to the discovery of more unfinished pieces. I was inspired by these pieces I had made for a bodice, which I painted up brighter than their current dark state, and matched to some feathers. Inspired by the previous UFO (Un Finished Object) I discovered in silk paper, I made a few pieces of silk paper in colours to suit to see if they were the answer to finishing it. Along with some shot organza and dyed silk, they just might be.

This afternoon I was tracing off some patterns in the now tidy studio when I heard some strange sounds, and looked up to to see this little face. Very cute, but very destructive - they go to the toilet on everything!
My Sunday evening has been made by the lovely Anna Von Hartitzsch, whom I met several years ago at WOW, for her posting these pictures of last years WOW entry, Return to Earth 4545, currently on display at the World of WearableArt Musuem, Nelson New Zealand. I am really pleased with the way they look.
Just over four weeks now until the WOW 2016 experience!

This morning I took off to the local nature reserve for two purposes - a bit of exercise, and the gathering of eucalyptus leaves for a natural dye pot. Success on both accounts - a few kilos of leaves and a few kilometres. Darling boy lit a fire on which to put the pot that he rescued for me several months ago from the skip at the pub. With the addition of some ferrous sulphate, I think I might get just the shade of grey I want on my wool roving for my long term WOW project.

Because of the different way I was looking at the landscape today in my search for recent windfall leaves, I not only found all sorts of undiscovered paths to lose myself down (and I've been walking there for years) but I also spied this love note, which the camera has unfortunately not captured too well. It said something to the effect of "Charlotte, I wish you the best in life. I will always be here for you and love you." I love that they just put it out there, for a chance sighting, no guarantees.