The dacron test |
Yes, it's that time of year again. Having returned from The World of WearableArt at the beginning of October, I have spent the month of November in intense design work, probably somewhat hastened by my fractured wrist keeping me from other tasks! Having behaved myself all week and actually rested it, Friday I threw caution to the wind and got out the tools again! Of course, in the current heatwave, I set up in the air-conditioned loungeroom - the TV also a drawcard, and was accompanied by 'Kinky Boots" and the "D-Generation" - champagne comedy - as I began the construction process. Yesterday I had to pull apart one version and begin again - if there is one thing experience tells you it's that it is better to have to do that after one day than one hundred! First blood for the project was drawn, as I sliced through some foam with a blade, and upwards into my finger, and got the glaring of a lifetime from Matt! He too, has temporarily moved his workshop upstairs, and worked on
Matt's new workshop on the dining table, including Rum! |
Foam and tools |
rebuilding a fuel pump - here he is watching his temperature experiment on dacron in the oven, ready to use as insulation.I giggled as one of my stepsons surveyed the transformed loungeroom, all too familiar to him from last year, and said, "Oh, so it's back to this again"....!!

As you know, I can never show much along the way, which is really disappointing for us all! All I've got for you is foam, pliers, scissors, sellotape, nikko pens, staples, THE blade, and shoulder pads.I got word from WOW this week that Isolda is on her way back, it will be good to see her again! I took the opportunity to reply and ask for their on stage garments photos, and was pleased to get these in return.

I'm hoping a whole lot of Australia is going to get to see her in the flesh next year - stay tuned for more details.
StudioSvenja looks to be going on tour!! So, if any of you in the far capitals are interested in any of my workshops next year - talk to me! More information will be available very soon.
One more week of college, and New York in 18 days! Last Sunday I met up with my roomie and a couple of others at a bar in Southbank - I think we'll do fine! On the way back on the citycat, I enjoyed the spectacle of Brisbane all lit up for the G-20. I had lunch with my mother yesterday and she gave me a great travel book on NY, including city and subway maps - very cool! Oh indeed, yes it will be, very different to BrizVegas!!