
Thursday, 3 May 2012

The Last Hurrah!

To celebrate the trans-Tasman crossing of our work, The Lounge Bar saw the hosting of another soiree, with model, special helpers and friends invited. House mojhitos were consumed whilst superb videos of the two shoots played in the background, and mounted stills of both our works were displayed.  Many, many limes later………..
Later the next morning….much later…. we toddled off for breakfast, and wondered how to waste the day. Well, we never really waste a day, so we set off for Fort Lytton, a place I have been meaning to investigate as a photo shoot locale. It offers so many great shots, but is also just so inspiring and lovely in itself!
Beautiful mould and fungus growths -  dripping down walls and creeping across ceilings, wonderful vistas across fields and lakes to ruined buildings. 
I had a wonderful time, skipping from building to building, taking photos of mould and imagining wonderfully atmospheric photo shoots…..

So, an easy going day, but time well spent. Also impressive was the friendliness and helpfulness of the guides/volunteers there. It’s such a nice change to come across such folk these days, and it really made the experience most pleasurable.
Time since has been spent planning for the month of May which is dedicated to felt-making. I have been gathering supplies to include in the felted garments, including pieces of lovely beaded silk chiffon – I just know it’s going to add a wonderful touch to my felted garments. I had bought one such piece many months ago for just this purpose, but have become so attached to it on my antique mannequin in the corner that I can’t bear to cut it up as planned! 
So I went to the op-shop and bought another beaded silk garment!
I do hope my silk order arrives tomorrow for this long weekend!
Tomorrow I deliver 'The Girls' (my mannequins) to Gallery 159 for their use in Beatrice Jackson's exhibition, opening this Sunday 6th May. Can't wait to see her beautiful shibori work on display - so proud of you, Miss Bea!!
Can't wait to play!
Love and Light, 

1 comment:

  1. Look at all those limes in the sink;-)
